(Apply through ESA website)
ESA Young Investigator Scientific Article Award
ESA Early Career Contribution to Endocrinology Award
ESA Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Award
Clinical Endocrinology Plenary Award
Application Deadline: 15 May 2025
This award recognises an outstanding research career in the field of Endocrinology in Australia. The award comprises a plaque and a plenary lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting, and complimentary meeting registration.
The Award will be presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, and the winner must be available to present their lecture.
The Applicant must:
The awardee must attend the ASM to present their lecture.
Applications are to be submitted online. These must include:
All documents to be uploaded in word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format.
The selection committee has a duty to apply the criteria equitably to all applicants.
The winning applicant will be expected to submit an abstract for their lecture within three weeks of notification for inclusion in the ASM Proceedings.
Submit your ESA Senior Plenary award application online
Past Recipients
Application Deadline: 15 May 2025
This award recognises an outstanding mid-career researcher in Endocrinology. The award comprises a plaque and a lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting, and complimentary meeting registration. The Award winner must be available to attend the ASM to present their lecture.
The Applicant must:
The awardee must attend the ASM to present their lecture.
Applications are to be submitted online. These must include:
All documents to be uploaded in word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format.
Applications will be assessed by a Selection Committee comprising at least 3 non-conflicted ESA Council members and the Chairs of the ASM POC. At occasion, external referees may be appointed. The selection criteria include scientific output (publication quality) (35% weighting), grant success (30% weighting, reputation (20%), contributions to discipline (15%). The selection committee has a duty to apply the criteria equitably to all applicants.
The winning applicant will be expected to submit an abstract for their lecture within three weeks of notification for inclusion in the ASM Proceedings.
Apply Online
Submit your ESA Mid-Career Research award application online
Past Recipients
Application Deadline: 11 July 2025
This award recognises the best scientific paper published in the 12-months preceding the closing date for abstracts for the Annual Scientific Meeting, by an active member of the Endocrine Society of Australia early in their career. Two awards are given, one for the best basic, and one for the best clinical paper.
The award is given for a single publication, although up to two additional papers that are directly relevant to the publication may be submitted in support of the application.
The value of the award is $2000.
The Applicant must:
Work submitted for publication but not yet accepted is not eligible.
Applications are to be submitted online. These must include:
All documents to be uploaded in word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format.
Applications are assessed by a Selection Committee selected by ESA Council. The selection committee has a duty to apply the criteria equitably to all applicants. The selection criteria include scientific quality of the paper (50% weighting), scientific/translational/clinical impact (20%) and role of the applicant in planning the research design, experimental and analytical work and writing and revision (20%).
The winner must attend the Annual Scientific Meeting and give a lecture on the paper.
(Apply through meeting website when submitting abstract)
2024 - Sunita De Sousa (Clinical) Nicholas Choo (Basic) |
2005 - Simon Chu (VIC) |
Application Closing date: 15 May 2025
Conditions of award
The purpose of this award is to recognise early career members who have contributed significantly to the field of endocrinology and/or the ESA, through excellence in mentoring, teaching, leadership, research and advocacy.
Up to two awards will be made annually, one to a clinical member and one to a basic science member.
Nominations will be accepted from ESA colleagues. Self-nomination is not permitted.
The nominee must:
Nominations are to be submitted online.
Nominations must include:
All documents to be uploaded in word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format.
Nominations will be assessed by a subcommittee of ESA Council, giving equal weighting to the applicant’s excellence in mentoring, teaching, leadership, research and advocacy.
Award Presentation
A commemorative plaque will be presented at the dinner associated with the AGM. The awardee will receive free registration to the ASM.
Submit your ESA Early Career Contribution to Endocrinology Award application online.
Past winners
2024 - Emily Meyer, Jun Yang
Application Deadline: 15 May 2025
This award acknowledges members of ESA who are recognised as outstanding clinicians, teachers and clinical mentors to trainees.
Up to two may be awarded per year.
Nominations will be accepted from peers and trainees. Self-nomination is not accepted.
The nominee must:
Contribution to ESA is not a criterion for this award.
Nominations are to be submitted online. These must include:
All documents to be uploaded in word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format.
Nominations will be assessed by a subcommittee of ESA Council. Applications will be assessed on a track record of clinical excellence and clinical leadership (50% weighting), policy and/or administration (10% weighing), Advanced trainee supervision and mentoring (30% weighting), medical student teaching and/or undergraduate curricula development 10% weighting) The assessment committee has a duty to apply the criteria equitably to all applicants.
A commemorative plaque will be presented at the dinner associated with the AGM. The awardee will receive free registration to the ASM.
Submit your nominations to the ESA Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Award online
Past recipients
Application Deadline: 15 May 2025
Conditions of award
This award recognises an outstanding early-career clinical researcher in Endocrinology. The award comprises a plaque and a lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting, and complimentary meeting registration. The Award winner must be available to attend the ASM to present their lecture. Sponsored by Clinical Endocrinology.
The value of the award is AUD$1500.00
The Applicant must:
The awardee must attend the ASM to present their lecture. While the lecture could refer to their higher degree work, the focus of the presentation should be on work done after the obtaining their higher degree.
Applications are to be submitted online. These must include:
All documents to be uploaded in PDF format.
(Apply through meeting website when submitting abstract)
Past recipients:
2024 - Sunita De Sousa
2023 - Matti Gild
Closing date: 15 May 2025
This award recognises ESA members who have made an outstanding contribution to research or clinical practice in the field of endocrinology in Australia.
The nominee must:
Nominations are to be submitted online by any ESA member of at least 5 years membership. The nomination must be seconded by another ESA member and accepted by the nominee (via the nomination form).
The nomination must include a CV outlining:
Nominations will be considered and assessed by at least 3 non-conflicted ESA council members. At occasion, non-conflicted referees external to council may be appointed. Applications will be judged against contributions to ESA: (e.g., POCs /Meetings/Committees/Attendance, 40% weighting), Endocrine Track Record (publications 20% weighting, awards & Contributions to Endocrinology Discipline 20% weighting), and mentoring and/or teaching of HDR or clinical trainees (20% weighting).
The award will be presented at the dinner associated with the AGM.
Submit your nomination for Honorary Life Membership online
All of our Honorary Life Members can be found here.