Clinical Endocrinology 
Clinical Endocrinology is published monthly by Wiley-Blackwell. It is a high-profile international journal with an Impact Factor of 3.396. It is the affiliated journal of the UK-based Society for Endocrinology and it has also been adopted as the official journal of the ESA.
Benefits to ESA members:
- Free electronic access to the Journal, including original scientific papers and the two Review papers in each issue. This access extends to all previous papers published since 1972.
- Free access to the Journal's virtual issue of Clinical Questions. This provides expert opinions about specific clinical issues.
- Access to a virtual issue of the most downloaded papers published each year, including many Reviews, the Editors' Choice papers and some Society Guidelines. Further compilations of articles are planned to assist trainees with Journal Club presentations etc.
- Publication of abstracts of the Annual Scientific Meeting, giving the abstracts the recognition of a publication.
- Greater recognition for clinical members of ESA, as invitees for submission of Reviews and Clinical Questions, Commentaries etc.
Other benefits are likely to result as the partnership evolves, including:
- Clinical Endocrinology has a proposal for the ESA Council to provide a prize for the best clinical case presented by a trainee at the Clinical Weekend meeting. This offers the opportunity for a trainee to see their presentation in print.
- A number of other proposals are in the pipeline, which are designed to provide benefit to members of the ESA in the broader educational area.
Members can access the journal here.