
Chair: A/Prof Sunita De Sousa, Royal Adelaide Hospital

EndoGen is a national network of endocrine genetic centres, bringing together endocrinologists, clinical geneticists, endocrine genetic clinics and genetic testing laboratories.

Serving as a clinical and research platform, the aim of EndoGen is to improve access to genetic technologies and knowledge for clinicians and patients across Australia.

 National Endocrine Genetics MDT Meetings

EndoGen holds regular national MDT meetings via Zoom to discuss endocrine genetic cases with diagnostic or therapeutic dilemmas (e.g., management of a variant of uncertain significance, utility of testing family members, gene-specifc drug trial options etc.) as well as potential research collaborations.

If you would like to present a case for discussion with the multidisciplinary expert panel, please email: Sunita.DeSousa@sa.gov.au.

Patients should have consented to MDT discussion and presentations should be deidentified.